Below is a selection of autographs we can offer you at moderate prices with minimal description and without images. If you are interested in a particular item, please contact us for more information and a scan if needed. Unless otherwise noted, all items are in good to excellent condition and signed in full in pen. Additionally, signatures are not clipped unless mentioned.
- Abendroth, Hermann (1883-1956) SIG-15666 $10InquireSIG of the German conductor. On small card, dated Vienna, November 21, 1929.
- Abt, Franz (1819-1885) ALS-01179 $40InquireALS, 1 p., 1860. The German choral composer-conductor promises to visit an unidentified friend.
- Abt, Franz (1819-1885) ALS-01262 $30InquireALS, 1 p., 1850. The German choral composer-conductor pens a brief note to the publisher Bartholf Senff. Onionskin paper; some browning and stain from seal.
- Abt, Franz (1819-1885) ALS-14561 $35InquireALS, 1 p., 1860. Writing to the publisher Schubert & Co., the German choral composer-conductor requests a copy of Wallace's Lurline. With integral address leaf. A nice letter, but with paper clip marks, tattered right edge, and some tape repairs.
- Addinsell, Richard (1904) SIG-09014 $20InquireSIG of the English film music composer. Small card, n/d. With sentiment.
- Althouse, Paul (1889-1954) Signature SIG-00659 $10InquireSIG of the American lyric tenor who spent three decades at the Metropolitan Opera. Small album leaf, n/d.
- Alvary, Max (1856-1898) SIG-15639 $10InquireSIG of the German Wagnerian tenor. Small card, London, 1892.
- Alvary, Max (1856-1898) SIG-16128 $20InquireSIG of the German Wagnerian tenor with text quotation from Tannhäuser libretto, Act I. On album leaf, Breslau, 1891.
- Angelo, Louis D' (1888-1958) SIG-16127 $15InquireSIG of the Italian bass-baritone, who performed at the Metropolitan Opera over 1,800 times and premiered the role of Marco in Puccini's Gianni Schicchi. On small album leaf with sentiment to opera patron Oliver Austin, n/d. Punch holes at left (not affecting).
- Anthony, Grace SIG-09051 $10InquireSIG of the American comprimario soprano, who appeared over 350 times at the Metropolitan Opera between 1921 and 1927. Small album leaf with sentiment, n/d.
- Arbós, Enrique Fernández (1863-1939) SIG-16173 $25InquireSIG of the Spanish composer (E. F. Arbós) in purple pen with sentiments in French. Album leaf, 1924.
- Arimondi, Vittorio (1861-1928) SIG-09052 $10InquireSIG of the operatic bass with sentiments in Italian on small album leaf. n/d.
- Arrau, Claudio (1903-1991) SIG-15645 $30InquireSIG of the noted Chilean pianist. Album leaf, 1932. Additional unidentified signature on verso.
- Ashkenazy, Vladimir (1937) ALS-08621 $25InquireALS, 1 p. aerogram (c. 11" h x 6" w), 1972. An amiable Ashkenazy writes to fellow pianist Eugene List to arrange a meeting with List's piano students. Signed V. Ashkenazy. Small tear at right margin (likely occurred when List opened the letter; affecting a few words).
- Auber, Daniel (1782-1871) ALS-01268 $60InquireALS, 1 p., n/d. A brief note from the French composer and Conservatoire director, signed simply Aub. On a very small sheet.
- Ax, Emanuel (1949) PGM-12722 $10InquirePGM signed by the celebrated pianist with sentiments. For recital in New York, 1 p., 1992. Cut at left margin, not affecting.
- Backhaus, Wilhelm (1884-1969) SIG-14578 $30InquireSIG of the German pianist with sentiment in Latin: Res severa verum gaudium (True joy is a serious thing). Small card, 1929. Pristine example.
- Backhaus, Wilhelm (1884-1969) SIG-00805 $40InquireSIG of the emminent German pianist. Small card (2.25" x 3.5"). 1933.
- Badà, Angelo (1876-1941) SIG-09053 $10InquireSIG of the Italian comprimario tenor who sang 100 different roles in over 94 different operas at the Metropolitan Opera, including in the world premieres of Puccini's La Fanciulla del West and Gianni Schicchi. On small album leaf, New York, 1923-1924.
- Bahr-Mildenburg, Anna (1872-1947) SIG-00664 $20InquireSIG of the Austrian soprano, noted Wagnerian, and protégé of Gustav Mahler in Vienna. Small card laid down on thin paper, n/d. In pencil. A bit rumpled from glue residue.
- Balfe, Michael W. (1808-1870) ALS-01181 $60InquireALS, 1 p., n/d. The popular Irish opera composer requests that certain persons be accommodated at an evening performance.
- Balfe, Michael W. (1808-1870) ALS-01182 $60InquireALS, 1 p., 1850. Balfe, the popular Irish opera composer, extends an invitation to a friend.
- Ballon, Ellen (1898-1969) SIG-09054 $10InquireSIG of the accomplished female Canadian pianist Ellen Ballon on a small album leaf. New York, 1926.
- Bampton, Rose (1907-2007) SIG-09113 $15InquireSIG of the eminent American soprano on the inside of a Christmas card with attractive medieval scene on front. Signed with her married name (Rose Bampton Pelletier) in pink, n/d. Fine condition.
- Barbirolli, John (1899-1970) SIG-00772 $50InquireSIG of the British conductor and cellist. On a small card, Hallé, 1944.
- Barnett, John (1802-1890) ALS-01272 $40InquireALS, 1 p., n/d. On account of a demanding project, the English composer and author declines a dinner invitation.
- Beecham, Sir Thomas (1879-1961) SIG-16135 $30InquireSIG of the eminent British conductor. June, 1916. Two light creases from former folding, but very nice.
- Bellezza, Vincenzo (1888-1964) SIG-00774 $15InquireSIG of the Italian conductor of the Metropolitan Opera. Album leaf, 1928.
- Bender, Paul (1875-1947) SIG-00667 $10InquireSIG of the German bass who performed internationally and premiered the role of Pope Pius V in Pfitzner's Palestrina. On small album leaf, light creasing, n/d.
- Benedict, Julius (1804-1885) ALS-01189 $30InquireALS, 1 p., 1875. The German composer-conductor writes to Julian Marshall to arrange a meeting (possibly of the Mendelssohn Scholarship Foundation).
- Bennett, Wm. Sterndale (1816-1875) ALS-01277 $75InquireALS, 2 pp., 1850. The English composer writes to organist John Goss about the newly formed Bach Society. Paper reinforcements at three corners.
- Berlin, Irving (1888-1989) SIG-08984 $60InquireSIG of the iconic twentieth-century American songwriter. On blank side of an index card, n/d.
- Betti, Adolfo (1873-1950) SIG-15971 $20InquireSIG of the Italian violinist on the flap of an envelope, the front of which he has addressed to violinist Tivadar Nachez. With stamp.
- Bevignani, Enrico (1841-1903) SIG-00775 $15InquireSIG of the Italian opera conductor on the top half of an album leaf. London, 1895. Bottom half of leaf trimmed. Bevignani traces over yours (of yours sincerely) to compensate for the lightness of his pen.
- Bittner, Julius (1874-1939) ALS-15953 $50InquireALS, 1 p. on small personal letterhead, 1919. Brief greetings from the Austrian composer and mainstay of musical Vienna. Bittner was close friend of Mahler and known especially for his operas and operettas.
- Black, Frank (1894-1968) PHO-00376 $40InquirePHO, signed Frank Black, n/d. A stunning signed, half-length portait photograph of the American conductor and longtime Music Director at NBC. Shown seated in a double-breasted suit. Inscribed to American Record Guide founder Peter Hugh Reed. 8" w x 10" h.
- Blumenthal, Jacques (1829-1908) ALS-10261 $50InquireALS, 1 p. on small letterhead, n/d. Blumenthal, the official pianist to Queen Victoria, arranges a meeting with the eminent English painter John Everett Millais.
- Bodanzky, Artur (1877-1939) SIG-15663 $10InquireSIG of the Austrian-American conductor & head of German repertory at the Metropolitan Opera. In light turquoise pen. Clipped and pasted down on index card, n/d.
- Bohnen, Michael (1887-1965) SIG-09058 $10InquireSIG of the German bass-baritone who rose to prominence at the Hofoper Berlin and Bayreuth Festival before joining the Metropolitan Opera. Small album leaf, with sentiment in German, 1924.
- Bonaventura, Mario De (1924-2017) AMQ-08312 $20InquireAMQ, small card, 1965. The Italian-American conductor offers a tone row by Dallapiccola.
- Brard, Magdeleine (1903-1998) SIG-00736 $25InquireSIG of French pianist Magdeleine Brard, who enjoyed some success as a performer but is perhaps best remembered as Mussolini's mistress. Small album leaf, 1925. On the verso, signature of American contralto Carmella Ponselle (1892-1977), mezzo-soprano and elder sister of Rosa, dated 1925.
- Braslau, Sophie (1892-1935) SIG-09135 $15InquireSIG of the American opera singer. On thick cardstock (likely trimmed from mounted photo), n/d.
- Braslau, Sophie (1892-1935) PHO-16174 $20InquirePHO, signed, n/d. The American contralto signs a black-and-white matte portrait in which she is shown looking upwards in partial profile and wearing a black top. A nice image. 6" w x 8" h.
- Braun, Carl (1886-1960) AMQ-09411 $20InquireAMQ, album leaf, n/d. The German bass offers a quotation from Die Zauberflöte, with sentiment.
- Broughton, James (1833-1887) ALS-15990 $30InquireALS, 1 p., 1866. The longtime choral director of the Leeds Festival writes to recommend a contact and offer his sympathies on mourning stationery.
- Burmeister, Richard (1860-1944) ALS-09237 $35InquireALS, small card, n/d. The German-American pianist and former Liszt pupil seeks a meeting with a Mr. Kaltenborn before sending the score of Liszt's Concerto pathétique to the copyist. (Burmeister arranged the work for piano and orchestra). Signed R. Burmeister. On letterhead of the New York German Liederkranz. Glue residue on verso.
- Burmester, Willy (1869-1933) SIG-00909 $10InquireSIG of the German violinist and Joachim student. Small clipping from birthday book, n/d, but written on March 16, his birthday.
- Busch, Adolf (1891-1952) SIG-00896 $75InquireSIG of the German-Swiss violinist. Small card, 1936. Scarce.
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