Wurlitzer-Bruck has an extensive holding of original woodcuts, engravings and lithographs from the 16th to 20th-centuries, including portraits of composers, performers and instrument makers, genre scenes showing musical performance, caricatures, song sheets, pictures of musical instruments, broadsides, etc.
In addition to prints, we have several pieces of original artwork, including drawings and a few paintings. We deal only in original materials. Many items are offered in decorative archival-quality mats, some already framed and ready for gift-giving. Custom framing can be arranged on request.
16TH-CENTURY DUTCH ENGRAVING Clock, Nicolaes Jansz Auditus Haarlem, Netherlands, 1596. Total size of print: 10" h x 7" w (25.4cm x…GPH-14955 $650Details/Inquire
Artot, Joseph Alexandre Lithographic Portrait. Matted with total size of 18" h x 13.75" w. In fine condition except for a water…GPH-15500 $375Details/Inquire
BAGPIPES - SHEET MUSIC COVER Brandard, John Ross Her Majesty's Highland Piper. Chappell & Co, London, c. 1855 (as per British…GPH-10710 $175Details/Inquire
BARREL ORGAN - FRENCH CARICATURE Bérat, Frédéric Miroir Drolatique. Le Charivari, Paris, mid 19th century. Total size in mat…GPH-15373 $125Details/Inquire
BASSOON - ORIGINAL SIGNED DRAWING Nixon, John "At a Puppet Show. Bartholomew Fair" London, 1796. Drawing measures 7" h. sc. x…GPH-10340 $1,500Details/Inquire
Beethoven, Ludwig van Leipzig, n/d. Total size in mat: 15.5" h x 13.5" w. In excellent condition. GPH-15258 $250Details/Inquire
BEETHOVEN-HAUS Likely German, early 20th century. Total size in mat: 18.5" h x 15.75" w (47 cm x 40 cm). Total size of print…GPH-15367 $135Details/Inquire
BILLINGTON- PORTRAIT AFTER REYNOLDS Ward, James "Mrs. Billington as St Cecilia" 1803. 26”h x 16.50” w. ( 683 x 417 mm). Total…GPH-10699 $850Details/Inquire
Bouchot, Frédéric French Caricature: "Les bonnes tétes musicales -- Musique de la garde nationale" Matted in a gilt frame…GPH-10694 $350Details/Inquire
BRASS INSTRUMENTS - CARICATURE OF 19TH-CENTURY NEW YORK CITY BANDS Gillam, Frederick Victor Dot Leedle Cherman Band.GPH-12404 $300Details/Inquire
BROADSIDE - ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY A Tragicomical Dialogue Betweeen My Lord Skaggs [sic] and his Broomstick. 1752. 10.75" h x…GPH-11077 $1,200Details/Inquire
BROOKLYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC Harper's Weekly, February 2, 1861. Total size in mat: 20" h x 14.5" w (51 cm x 36.5). Total size of…GPH-15398 $135Details/Inquire
BUDAPEST QUARTET Taylor, Prentiss Framed Signed Lithograph Total size in frame: 19.5" h x 23" w. Pristine condition. GPH-15044 $1,200Details/Inquire
Bull, Ole Engraved portrait Total size in mat: 15" h x 12" w. Fine (extremely slight foxing). GPH-12348 $150Details/Inquire
CARICATURE - FRENCH "Le Troubadour jouant de Six Instrumens" c. 1815. Total dimensions including frame: 11.75" h x 13.75" w. In a…GPH-12711 $400Details/Inquire
Caruso, Enrico Caricature of Tullio Voghera Signed Some surface soiling and minor imperfections (mainly a few pinholes)…GPH-11214 $1,200Details/Inquire
Caruso, Enrico Signed Caruso Self-Caricature Atlanta, Georgia, 1913. Total size of caricature: 11" h x 8.5" w; total size in mat…GPH-11215 $1,150Details/Inquire
CELLO - PORTRAIT OF MAN WITH CELLO A fine American watercolor 16.50" h x 13.25" w (419 mm x 337 mm). Handsomely matted and…GPH-12212 $3,500Details/Inquire
CELLO - ETCHING Strang, William A Cellist Gives His Best Glasgow (?), 1891. Image size 7" h x 8" w. Decoratively matted with total…GPH-12341 $175Details/Inquire
CELLO - FRENCH CARICATURE Le Myosotis; Fine fleur des artistes du Théâtre du Palais-Royal. Total print size: 10.5" h x 9.5" h…GPH-10562 $275Details/Inquire
CELLO - OIL PAINTING Michel-Lévy, Henri oil painting still life with cello and mandolin C. 18" h x 14" w . In an ornate gold…GPH-08960 $3,000Details/Inquire
CELLO - ORIGINAL DRAWING OF A CELLIST Steinberg, Saul Signed "Steinberg" on the lower right. Framed in black lacquer with a total…GPH-12218 $5,000Details/Inquire
Chagall, Marc Pair of Signed Lithographs Heralding Music. Late 1960s. Each is matted and in a simple black frame, with a total…GPH-16225 $750Details/Inquire
CHOIR - LITHOGRAPH "THE VILLAGE CHOIR" Bourne, Herbert Virtue & Co, London, first half of the 19th century. Total size in mat…GPH-15533 $275Details/Inquire
CLARINET - CARICATURE "M. d'Argot, premier Nazillard du Roi" Paris, c. 1840. c. 12" h x 9" w (30.5 cm x 22.9 cm). Horizontal and…GPH-10337 $200Details/Inquire
CLAVICYTHERIUM - CHROMOLITHOGRAPH Gibb, William Plate from Hipkins. Edinburgh, 1888. Decoratively matted with a total size of 19"…GPH-14273 $150Details/Inquire
CONDUCTOR - VICTORIAN CARICATURE "The Banting Quadrille" London, c. 1866. Decoratively matted with a total size of 19" h x 15" w…GPH-15064 $200Details/Inquire
CORNET - BOSTON PLAYER Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, March 14, 1891. Total size in mat: 19" h x 14.75" w (48 cm x 37.5)…GPH-15415 $150Details/Inquire
CRITICISM - SATIRICAL STORY A Story, Out of Boccalini, To the ill-natur'd CRITICKS London, c. 1740. In very good condition. Minor…GPH-15399 $165Details/Inquire
Cruikshank, George "The Dancing Lesson" - Hand-Colored Aquatint. London, 1822. Total size in mat: 11" h x 12.5" w. In excellent…GPH-14408 $300Details/Inquire
Cruikshank, George French Musicians or, Les Savoyards. London, June 16, 1819. Total size in mat: 11" h x 12.5" w (28 cm x 32 cm)…GPH-15355 $275Details/Inquire
CYMBALS - CARICATURE Arrowood, Clinton Boston, 1970s. Total size in mat: 13" h x 11.5" w (33 cm x 29 cm). In excellent condition…GPH-15383 $50Details/Inquire
De Reszke, Jean Cigar box label portrait Total measurement of 11.25" h x 13" w. Excellent condition. GPH-11259 $135Details/Inquire
Donizetti, Gaetano Original Drawing by Donizetti. n/d. Total size in mat: 11" h x 14" w. Total size of drawing: 6.25" h x 9.25"…GPH-15123 $2,000Details/Inquire
DRUM - CARTOON Print size: 8.25" h x 9.75" w. Total size in mat: 12" h x 14.5" w. In excellent condition (small mark above…GPH-14799 $65Details/Inquire
DRUM, MILITARY - SHEET MUSIC COVER "The Drum Polka" London, c. 1848. Decoratively matted with a total dimension of 19" h x 15.25"…GPH-14190 $125Details/Inquire
DUTCH CONCERT van Ostade, Adriaen A singer with violinist. J. Gapper, London, c. 1769. Total size in mat: 12" h x 11" w (30.5 cm x…GPH-15387 $275Details/Inquire
DUTCH MUSICIAN The Musical Hollander. Carington Bowles, London, second half of the 18th century. Total size in mat: 12" h x 11"…GPH-15403 $150Details/Inquire
ENCOMIUM MUSICES - PLATE NO. 6. Collaert, Adriaen Flemish, c. 1590. Total size in mat: 15" h x 18" w. In excellent condition…GPH-15503 $600Details/Inquire
ENGLISH CARICATURE Marks, J. Lewis Satire on Othello London. First half of the 19th-Century, published by J.L. Marks. Total size…GPH-12475 $250Details/Inquire
ENGLISH CARICATURE "Parnassus". English, c. 1828. Total size in mat: c. 16" h x 18" w. Excellent condition with good color. GPH-10989 $350Details/Inquire
ENGLISH CARICATURE - POCHETTE & VERTICAL PIANO "Political Harmonics" London, 1829. Matted with a total size of 17" h x 19" w…GPH-12412 $400Details/Inquire
Ernst, Heinrich Matted Lithograph Portrait. Austria, c. 1840. Total size in mat: 16" h x 14" w. In very good condition. Portrait…GPH-15501 $450Details/Inquire
Farinelli [Broschi], Carlo Engraved Portrait. Mid eighteenth century. Matted with a total size of 26.5" h x 19" w. In excellent…GPH-12539 $850Details/Inquire
FLAGEOLET - CARICATURE Bouchot, Frédéric "Etude sérieuse de la Marseillaise" Paris, c. 1840. Total size in mat: 16" h x 13" w…GPH-12369 $150Details/Inquire
FLUTE - CARICATURE "Morning Practice / Stolen Notes" London, first quarter of the 19th century. c. 11" h x 8" w (27.9 cm x 20.3…GPH-14267 $250Details/Inquire
FLUTE - DUTCH ETCHING Boel, Coryn (or Quirijn) "The Flute Player" Antwerp, mid-17th century. Matted with a total size of 9.5" h x…GPH-14170 $950Details/Inquire
FLUTE - FRENCH CARICATURE Gavarni, Paul Paris, mid 19th century. Total size in mat: 17" h x 14" w (43 cm x 35.5 cm). A bit foxed…GPH-15376 $125Details/Inquire
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