Halévy, Jacques-Fromenthal (1799-1862)
Autograph Letter Signed
"F Halevy". "Sunday". 6" h x 4" w. One page with integral address leaf. Fine condition (the blurring is from his pen presssing a little hard) . With translation.Letter to Monsieur Severin at the Royal Italian Theater expressing regret for not "joining you this morning. If you decide something I should know without delay, please instruct me. Otherwise Mr. Habaneck, who I will see tonight, will keep me up to date…".
Halévy was a prolific opera composer, whose masterpiece was La Juive. Although undated, one assumes that this letter was written during the time Halévy was the "chef du chant" at the Théatre-Italien, from 1826 to 1829. The conductor Francois-Antoine Habeneck (1781-1849) founded the Orchestre de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire and is especially noted for having introduced Beethoven's symphonies in France, including the first performance of Symphony No. 9 in Paris.