Mendelssohn, Felix - Ensemble with Autograph Letter SignedEnlarge Image Mendelssohn, Felix - Ensemble with Autograph Letter SignedMendelssohn, Felix - Ensemble with Autograph Letter Signed

Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847)

Ensemble with Autograph Letter Signed

"Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy". [London], July 2, 1844. Total size of frame: 19" h x 10.5" w. Total size of ALS: 4.25" h x 4.5" w. 1 p. In English. In excellent condition, in a fine antique frame with an original cabinet portrait.
Mendelssohn writes referencing Bach.

Mendelssohn writes to an unidentified recipient about the return of two Bach scores: Pray send me by bearer the two books of Bach's Organ-music which I brought over for you & sent to you at the beginning of my stay here. A wonderful letter, handsomely triple-matted in an antique frame with a cabinet portrait after the painting by Eduard Magnus done from life in 1846, essentially the same time as this letter.

Mendelssohn arrived in London on May 8, 1844 for a busy two months of concertizing. He conducted five Philharmonic Society performances and offered many more at the keyboard; on one memorable evening he was joined by Moscheles and Thalberg for a performance of Bach's Triple Concerto in D minor (BWV 1063).

With a departure date of July 10, one suspects Mendelssohn dispatched this letter the week prior to ensure he would return home with his scores in tow.

Mendelssohn was devoted to Bach and it was through his efforts that the recognition of Bach’s genius was revived in the 19th century and through him that Bach’s works once more became known to a wider public. It is rare however, to find a Mendelssohn letter nowadays with a reference to Bach. This is the only time we remember having one.

(Previously in the collection of American songwriter, impresario, and dealer Anna Sosenko).

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